4640 views since Dec 1, 2022
The Facility Management (FM) industry is witnessing the dawn of a new era of user and occupant experience requirements, coupled with business productivity, service integration and the assimilation of smart, cognitive technology.
There are various pioneering and revolutionary technologies that are transforming the FM Industry, from robotics to the Internet of Things; facility services are becoming more interconnected, instrumental, and artificially intelligent.
The Innovation Forum, presented by Programmed Facility Management WA (PFM WA) in collaboration with its vendor network, enables a platform for PFM WA’s Vendors (including small businesses) to showcase their innovations. The Innovation Forum is also a climate Active Carbon Neutral Certified Event.
Innovation in products, systems and processes adds value and enhances the services provided to client and customer sites. The Forum will target engagement and collaboration in areas such as, design excellence, energy management, sustainability, and facility management.
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